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Incredible but True
Isa - Jesus
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Same God?
The Golden Age of Islam
The Muslim Brotherhood
The Muslim Mind
The Persecuted Church
Articles under the category History of Islam:
Andrew G. Bostom: Ibrahim’s Historical Reconquista. New Book Reveals Christendom’s 1400-Year Struggle Against Jihad
Ibrahim al-Buleihi: Western Civilization Has Liberated Mankind. Interview with Ibrahim al-Buleihi
Jonathan David Carson: The not-so-golden age of Islamic philosophy
Catholic Scholar: Is Islam Genuine?
Patricia Crone: Among the Believers. A new look at the origins of Islam describes a tolerant world that may not have existed
Sujit Das: Ancient Qur’anic Manuscripts of Sana’a and Divine Downfall
Gregory M. Davis: Islam 101
Mark Durie: Ishmael is not the Father of the Arabs
Darío Fernandez-Morera: The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise
Dario Fernandez-Morera: When the Spirits Collided. Islam and Christianity in the Course of Western Civilization
Fjordman: Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, part 1
Fjordman: Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, part 2
Fjordman: Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, part 3
Fjordman: The Truth About "Islamic Science"
Fjordman: To President Obama. Regarding Islam and Science
Fjordman: Unmasking Muhammad’s Dubious Existence
Fjordman: Why Christians Accepted Greek Natural Philosophy, But Muslims Did Not
Neil Godfrey: Did Muhammad Exist? A revisionist look at Islam’s Origins
Danusha V. Goska: The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS. Robert Spencer's new must-read book
Samuel Green: A Survey of how Muhammad Spread Islam
Boris Havel: Jerusalem in Early Islamic Tradition
Henry Hopwood-Phillips: Mission Impossible? An Interview with Tom Holland
Henry Hopwood-Phillips: Pious Forgery: How Islam Remade Its Origins in Its Own Image
Raymond Ibrahim: How the Islamic World was Forged: An Exercise in Common Sense
Raymond Ibrahim: The Battle of Antioch: “Here the Name Christian Was Born”
Raymond Ibrahim: The Battle of Hattin
Raymond Ibrahim: The Battle of Yarmuk. History’s Most Consequential Muslim/Western Clash
Raymond Ibrahim: The Siege of Byzantium. In 717–18, Western civilization was hanging by a thread
Raymond Ibrahim: The Siege of Vienna, 1683
Raymond Ihrig: When and Why the West Began to ‘Demonize’ Muhammad
William Kilpatrick: Islam’s Thousand Year War on Christendom
Emmet Scott: Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited: The Epilogue
Emmet Scott: The African Slave Trade: The Islamic Connection
Emmet Scott: The Fate of the Roman Cities of the Near East and North Africa
Emmet Scott: The Islamic Trade in European Slaves
Emmet Scott: The Sunni-Shia Divide and Islam’s Puzzling Origins
Emmet Scott: Were the Arab Conquests a Myth?
Ali Sina: Aisha, the Child Wife of Muhammad
Robert Spencer: Archeologists discover early Islamic coins featuring an image of a menorah
Robert Spencer: Explosive book shows that all is not what it seems to be in Islam's origins
Robert Spencer: Islam, History and Faith. Judaism and Christianity have undergone intensive historical examination. Why not Islam?
Paul Stenhouse: The Crusades in Context
Paul Stenhouse: The "Golden Age" of Harun al-Rashid
Abul Taher: Querying the Koran
Serge Trifkovic: The Golden Age of Islam is a Myth
Bill Warner: The Annihilation of Civilizations
Bill Warner: The Jihad That Lead to the Crusades – Timeline
David Wood: A Bewitched Prophet? Examining Muhammad’s Psychological and Spiritual Stability
David Wood: Don’t Lose Your Head! Four Reasons for the Early Spread of Islam
David Wood: Islam Beheaded. The Information Superhighway and the Death of Mohammedanism
Bat Yeor: Eastern Christians Torn Asunder. Challenges — new and old
Good books under the category History of Islam:
A. I. Akram:
Khalid bin Al-Waleed: Sword of Allah
A biographical study of the greatest military general in historyAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VI
Muhammad at MeccaAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VII
The Foundation of the CommunityAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VIII
The Victory of IslamAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. IX
The Last Years of the ProphetAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. XII
The Battle of al-Qadisiyyah and the Conquest of Syria and PalestineAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. X
The Conquest of ArabiaAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. XI
The Challenge to the EmpiresMuhammad b. Umar al-Waqidi:
Kitab al-Maghazi
The Life of Muhammad
Translated by Rizwi Faizer, Amal Ismail and AbdulKadar TayobDr. Rafat Amari:
Islam: In light of HistoryArab Faqih:
Futuh al-Habasa
The Conquest of Abyssinia [16th Century]
Translated by Poul Lester Stenhouse - Annotiations by Richard PankhurstMarkus Aurelius:
Bleeding for Allah
Why Islam will Conquer the Free World
What Americans Need to KnowBabur:
Memoirs of Babur, Prince and EmperorHilaire Belloc:
The Great HeresiesKåre Bluitgen:
KORANEN og profeten Muhammeds liv
Fortælling efter islams ældste kilderFrants Buhl:
Muhammeds Liv
Tredje reviderede udgave ved Finn O. Hvidbjerg-HansenAlfred J. Butler:
The Arab Conquest of Egypt and the Last Years of the Roman DominionPatricia Crone:
God's Caliph
Religious authority in the first centuries of IslamPatricia Crone:
God's Rule: Government and Islam
Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political ThoughtRoger Crowley:
Empires of the Sea
The Final Battle for the MediterraneanAli Dashti:
23 Years
A Study of the Prophetic Career of MohammadReinhart Dozy:
Spanish Islam
A History of the Muslims in SpainTaqi-Ed-Din El-Maqrizi:
A Short History Of The Copts And Of Their Church (1873)
(Translated by S. C. Malan)Reuven Firestone:
The Origin of Holy War in IslamPeter Frankopan:
The First Crusade
The Call from the EastMurray Gordon:
Slavery in the Arab WorldOleg Grabar:
The Dome of the RockMuhammad Hamidullah:
The Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
A Contribution to Muslim Military HistoryMervyn Hiskett:
The Sword of Truth
The Life and Times of the Shehu Usuman dan FodioTom Holland:
In the Shadow of the Sword
The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient WorldPervez Hoodbhoy:
Islam and Science
Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for RationalityRobert G. Hoyland:
Seeing Islam as Others saw it
A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early IslamRobert G. Hoyland:
Arabia and the Arabs
From the Bronze Age to the Coming of IslamRobert G. Hoyland:
In God's Path
The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic EmpireToby E. Huff:
The Rise of Early Modern Science
Islam, China and the WestIbn Battutah:
The Travels of Ibn Battutah
Abridged, introduced and annotated by
Tim Mackintosh-SmithIbn Ishaq:
The Life of Muhammad
A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah by A. GuillaumeIbn Ishaq:
Muhammeds liv
På dansk ved Henrik Ræder ClausenIbn Katheer:
In Defence of the True Faith
Taken from
Al-Bidayah Wan-NihayahIbn Khaldun:
The Muqaddimah
An Introduction to HistoryIbn Sa'd:
Kitab Al-tabaqat Al-kabir, vol. 1Ibn Sa'd:
Kitab Al-tabaqat Al-kabir, vol. 2Ibn Warraq:
The Quest for the Historical Muhammad
Edited and Translated by Ibn WarraqIbn Warraq:
The Islam in Islamic Terrorism
The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and IdeologyRaymond Ibrahim:
The Battle of Yarmuk
An Assessment of the Immediate Factors behind the Islamic ConquestsRaymond Ibrahim:
Sword and Scimitar
Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the WestPhilip Jenkins:
The Lost History of Christianity
The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia - and How It DiedEfraim Karsh:
Islamic Imperialism
A HistoryStephen M. Kirby:
Islam's Militant Prophet
Muhammad and Forced Conversions to IslamK. S. Lal:
Theory and Practice of Muslim State in IndiaK. S. Lal:
The Legacy of Muslim Rule in IndiaBernard Lewis:
What Went Wrong
Western Impact and Middle Eastern ResponseBernard Lewis:
The Middle East
2000 Years of History from the Rise of Christianity to the Present DayBernard Lewis:
The Assassins
A Radical Sect in IslamBernard Lewis:
Islam in History
Ideas, People, and Events in the Middle EastDavid Samuel Margoliouth:
Mohammed and the Rise of IslamRichard C. Martin:
Defenders of Reason in Islam
Mu'tazilism from Medieval School to Modern SymbolWilliam Muir:
The Life of Mohammad
From Original SourcesYehuda D. Nevo:
Crossroads to Islam
The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab StateDe Lacy O'Leary:
How Greek Science Passed to the ArabsKarl-Heinz Ohlig:
The Hidden Origins of Islam
New Research Into Its Early HistoryKarl-Heinz Ohling (ed.):
Early Islam
A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary SourcesK. N. Pandit (trans. and ed.):
A Chronicle of Mediaeval KashmirDaniel Pipes:
The Rushdie Affair
The Novel, The Ayatollah and the WestDaniel Pipes:
Slave Soldiers and Islam
The Genesis of a Military SystemHenri Pirenne:
Mohammed and CharlemagneDavid S. Powers:
Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men
The Making of the Last ProphetNobert G. Pressburg:
What the Modern Martyr Should Know
Seventy-Two Grapes and Not a Single Virgin
The New Picture of IslamRobert R. Reilly:
The Closing of the Muslim Mind
How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist CrisisGabriel Said Reynolds:
Critique of Christian Origins
A Parallel English-Arabic TextMalise Ruthven:
Historical Atlas of the Islamic WorldEmmet Scott:
Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited
The History of a ControversyEmmet Scott:
The Impact of IslamEmmet Scott:
A Guide to the Phantom Dark AgeRonald Segal:
Islam's Black Slaves
The Other Black DiasporaAnwar Shaikh:
Islam, the Arab ImperialismShashi S. Sharma:
Caliphs and Sultans
Religious Ideology and Political PraxisWilfred Cantwell Smith:
Islam in Modern HistoryRobert Spencer:
Did Muhammad Exist?
An Inquiery into Islam's Obscure OriginsRobert Spencer:
The History of Jihad
From Muhammad to ISISTheophanes:
The Chronicle of Theophanes
Anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813)Peter Townsend:
The Mecca Mystery
Probing the Black Hole at the Heart of Muslim HistoryPeter Townsend:
The House Built on Sand
An Emad Almasry Mystery
NovelSerge Trifkovic:
The Sword of the Prophet
History, Theology, Impact On the WorldBenjamin Walker:
Foundations of Islam
The Making of a World ReligionJohn Wansbrough:
The Sectarian Milieu
Content and Composition of Islamic Salvation HistoryBill Warner:
Mohammad and the Unbelievers
A Political LifeBat Ye'or:
Islam and Dhimmitude
Where Civilizations Collide
Latest articles
James M. Arlandson:
Islamic Sharia Law. Article Series
Robert Spencer:
Vatican conference to promote Mary as ‘model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam’
Raymond Ibrahim:
"Tortured Beyond Recognition", MPC December 2020
David Wood:
Islam’s Rule of Thumb.
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Shot My Wife in the Head and Cut Our Four Children into Pieces", MPC November 2020
James M. Arlandson:
17. How to Judge Sharia
Raymond Ibrahim:
Butchered in an “Atrocious Way”, MPC October 2020
Muhammad's Suicide Attempts
Raymond Ibrahim:
"The Priest Died Like a Dog!", MPC September 2020
Leo Hohmann:
Pope Francis unleashes demons of globalism on unsuspecting church
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties", MPC August 2020
Ralph H. Sidway:
Can There Have Been Two Annunciations?
William Kilpatrick:
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
Raymond Ibrahim:
"An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven", MPC July 2020
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Latest books
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
The Ideology Behind Islamic Terrorism
Koranens dilemma - Sociologisk
Hvorfor er Koranen ikke en hellig bog?
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How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam
The House Built on Sand
An Emad Almasry Mystery
The Mecca Mystery
Probing the Black Hole at the Heart of Muslim History
Modern Day Trojan Horse
The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration
The thirty-year genocide
Turkey's destruction of its Christian minorities, 1894-1924
Jihadist Psychopath
How He is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us
Holy War, Just War
Islam and Christendom at War
Khalid bin Al-Waleed: Sword of Allah
A biographical study of the greatest military general in history
- den sejrrige kulturmarxismes politiske udtryk
Al-Wahidi's Asbab al-Nuzul
A Guide to the Phantom Dark Age
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